Sunday, July 29, 2012

W4 Tsunami(Evac Zones)

PART III: Process Summary Details

Part I: Building a File Geodatabase

1)      Open ArcCatalog
2)      Navigate to Tsunami folder
3)      Select Roads.shp and the Preview tab
4)      Bottom of page, select Table from drop-down
5)      Right-click TsunamiGDB and select New, then File Geodatabase and name it Tsunami.gdb
6)      Right-click TsunamiGDB, click New and select Feature Dataset and name it Transportation
7)      Select the UTM54N Projected Coordinate System under UTM>WGS84, use defaults for rest of options
8)      Right-select Transportation feature dataset and Import >Feature Class (multiple)
9)      Browse to BaseData folder and select Rails, click Add and again for Roads, hit OK
10)  Open ArcMap
11)  Select File>Add Data>Add XY Data
12)  Navigate to Fukushima.xls, City_Population$ Events, select the same coordinate system as above
13)  Export data to a shapefile called JapanCities1
14)  Add two new feature datasets, Administrative and Damage_Assessment
15)  Add required feature classes to each one
16)  Build raster attribute tables for the four DEMs using the Build Raster Attribute Table in ArcToolbox>Data Management>Raster>Raster Properties
17)  Right-click on the Tsunami.gdb and select New>Raster Dataset, using FukDEM the Raster Dataset Name, and Pixel Type: 16_BIT_UNSIGNED, Spatial Reference WGS84_UTM54N, hit OK
18)  Load the two N37E DEMs to the FukDEM raster dataset
19)  Repeat process for another with the name SendDEM and add the N38E DEMs to this one
20)  Right-Click the FukeDEM and select Calculate Statistics, use defaults, click OK
21)  Repeat for SendDEM
22)  Save screen shot as jpg

Part II: Fukushima Radiation Exposure Zones
1)      Open ArcMap and add JpnBndOutline, NuclearPwrPlnt, JapanCities, Roads, NEJapanPrefectures
2)      Select the Fukushima II nuclear plant and save as Fukushima_PPt in the Tsunami.gdb
3)      Create a multi ring buffer of 3, 7, 15, 30, 40, 50 miles and save as MultiRingBuffer in the Damage_Assessment feature dataset
4)      Clip the MiltiRingBuffer to the JpnBndOutline and name it Fuku_Evac_Zones
5)      Remove MiltiRingBuffer
6)      Edit symbology for the Fuku_Evac_Zones
7)      Clip the roads to NEJpnPrefectures
8)      Remove Roads from map
9)      Query cities in the Fuku_Evac_Zones, save screen shot for PS, and save as Evac_Zone_cities
10)  Finish answering questions
11)  Create labels for Japan cities showing name and population
12)  Switch to Map View and finalize map

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