Friday, April 13, 2012

W12 Google Earth Wind Farm

Process Summary
Wind Speed
9.5 knot speed at time of criteria check.  Wind speed dropped below the 5 knot minimum about twelve hours in the four-day period of recording
There are quite a few species in the general area, but does not hinder the major or minor flight path of migratory birds
Due to the distance from shore, noise is not a major factor for residence or businesses
Shadow Flicker
Wind farm is too far from land to have any effect on residences or businesses
Shipping Impact
Wind farm will not be located in a shipping lane, so no impact on trade.
Landscape & Visual Impact
At a height of 300 feet to top of turbine, they would be visible from about 22 miles away.  There is much controversy as to whether the wind farm would be good or bad to look at.  That is something that might need to be verified by the use of PPGIS.

Site Selection Justification
Wind Farm Justification

The major criteria in looking for an area to build a wind farm is there enough wind to turn the turbines so that enough electricity is produced so there is a net gain or profit.  I looked for an area that had a high wind average over the last recorded segment of time.  The actual study of an area would actually include a couple of years of study which we do not have the time to do in this class for this scenario.  The bay I see as a good spot due to wind average and also due to the fact that the wind will be channeled from the north between the land parcels.
The next factor I looked at was the impact on ornithology.  There are many species that live in surrounding area, but the wind farm will not be in the major or minor migratory path of birds.  So far there is very little to prove whether wind farms have any effect of bird populations.
With the distance to land, noise will not be a problem even though noise travels further on water than land.  It might bother boaters or fisherman, but they have the ability to move to another location. 
In reference to shadow flicker, the farm will be located far enough away from residences and businesses to have very little effect on them.  Boaters and fishermen will be main group affected by flicker. 
Another factor to consider was the interference with shipping.  Since this is a bay, there is no effect on shipping.
As far as landscape and visual impact, it comes down to the preference of each person.  You would have to put up a turbine and actually have people see it from different angles, distances, time of day, etc for people to really know how it looks.  Some people like them, some people don’t.  Some don’t like them just because they are something new and different.  Some folks like them because they are new and different. This field is totally subjective and can only be answered by a vote of each person that will be able to see it.
There is a Danish study that shows there is very little negative impact on the fish around a wind turbine farm of most species.  The wind farm actually increased some fish populations that used the rocks around the wind farm as well as the structures themselves for safety and protection.  This might provide more sport fishing to attract fishermen for the tourism trade.
There is much controversy on the placement of wind farms.  I have ready many articles about a minimum distance that is a standard set by groups, but I bet you never see a wind farm being placed that close to their residence.  Then you have a proposal for a farm out in the ocean that will have little impact on the majority of folks who will benefit from it, but if there is a powerful U.S. Senator who does not want to see it from his ‘castle’ at Hyannis Port Historic District, then it is likely that wind farm will never be built.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

W13 Loose Ends Part 1 & 2

Loose Ends Part 1

PART II: Process Summary Details

1)      Open ArcMap
2)      Select Data_Editing_BED, click Open
3)      Crtl-click to select multiple layers
4)      Right-click a layer and select Group
5)      Rename New Group Layer to County by clicking on it twice and typing in the new name
6)      Right-click on ‘Group Layer’ and select Ungroup
7)      Select Create under Graphs below the View drop-down
8)      Select Vertical Bar under Graph type and Buildings under Layer/Table
9)      Select Height under Value field
10)  Select Building under X label field
11)  Leave Match with Layer under Color
12)  Select New Series under the Add tab to add another dataset
13)  Click Next and then Finish
14)  Right-click on the graph to view Properties and/or Advanced Properties
15)  Right-click again on the graph and select Add to Layout, your graph should appear in the map layout
16)  Switch to Layout View if it did not automatically switch
17)  Close out all maps in ArcMap
18)  On the Layout toolbar, click Change Layout
19)  Click the Open File in the lower right hand corner
20)  Navigate to a saved map that you would like to use as a template and select it and click Open
21)  Click Finish, in the Data Frame Order window
22)  Now you can the add the data layers you need to perform analysis and you have the template for your map
23)  You will only have to shift item around and add any title and text to each new map
24)  Dynamic text can be used to save time
25)  Insert Text to begin
26)  Items that you want to remain the same each time, just type in the box
27)  Items that you want to change each time or Dynamic will be inside ˂ ˃, left and right arrowhead
28)  The following <dyn type =”date”> is equal to 4/10/2012
29)  The following <dyn type =”date”, format ="dd MMMM yyyy"> is equal to 10 April 2012
30)  Dynamic tags can be used for anything that you want to add to each map
31)  Save map as a template, whatever name you want for future use
32)  Post to Blog and dropbox

Loose Ends Part 2

PART II: Process Summary Details

1)      Copy data from R drive to S drive and unzip
2)      Open Windows Explorer and navigate to a folder that contains GIS data
3)      Double-click on any .mxd file to open it in ArcMap
4)      Right-click on a layer and select Create Layer Package
5)      Select Save package file to and navigate to where you want to store the file
6)      Click Validate, if Share is available, select it and go to step 9, if not go to step 7
7)      If you receive an error, double-click on the line showing error and make any necessary corrections, go back to step 6
8)      You are now ready to share that layer
9)      It can be “Unpacked” in ArcCatalog
10)  To create a Map Package, everything in ArcMap, click on File and select Create Map Package
11)  Select Save package file to and navigate to where you want to store the file
12)  Click Validate, if Share is available, select it and go to step 9, if not go to step 7
13)  If you receive an error, double-click on the line showing error and make any necessary corrections, go back to step 6
14)  You are now ready to share that map
15)  Open the RepairDataSource.mxd from the LooseEnds folder
16)  Open the Layer Properties for one of the layers and go to Source tab
17)  Close the Layer Properties window
18)  Right-click on the Roads layer, click Data, and Repair Data Source
19)  In the Data source window, navigate to the Loosends folder, click on the Roads.shp file and press Add
20)  All reference data in that folder will automatically be added to repair the links
21)  Close the current map and open RelativePathNames.mxd
22)  Click File, open Map Document Properties
23)  Verify ‘Pathnames: Store relative pathnames to data sources” is checked
24)  This allows moving the map and data without loosing  the path to the data
25)  Open the Data Driven Pages Toolbar, then open the Data Driven Pages Setup window
26)  Check the box next to Enable Data Driven Pages and click OK
27)  Click File, Export Map as a PDF
28)  In the Options, under Pages, select Selected
29)  Post items to Blog and dropbox

Friday, April 6, 2012

W11 Dot Mapping

Process Summary
·         Copy data from R drive to S drive
·         Open in Illustrator
·         Open GCT_PH1.xls in Excel
·         Copy counties to be used to another tab
·         Compute number of houses per dot to have at least one dot per county
·         Will use 1 dot =5000
·         Test .7pt dot as recommended.  Will use since I can’t figure out how to make larger as a group
·         Place dots according to spreadsheet computations for each required county
·         Trying to make dots appear closer to other dots according to county housing units
·         Added Title, Legend, Source, Produced and arranged items to appear visually correct
·         Working on background color, no luck, out of time
·         Wetland layer messing with me with the image
·         Save map as
·         Export map to Floridadot.jpg
·         Upload items to Blog and Dropbox
·         Back up folder to H drive