Friday, August 3, 2012

Module 7

PART III: Module Summary

I’m think I am finally starting to get a little bit of a grip on a lot of the steps required to get a script to work
The interactive GoToMeeting was a huge help in getting an explanation on some items that were not completely clear.
Now I have a quick way to make my folder structure for new projects easily.  This beats making the folders each time and taking a chance of misspelling them.
Each module adds new items to use in the script.  I’m still a long ways from completely understanding them, but with the Usage tool, I can now open quickly to see what parameters are required and what ones are optional. 
Checking to see what files Exist can speed up the process so you don’t accidentally overwrite it.
Using the ‘print’ statement will help show where you are in the script so you know the status as it is executed
Finally understand loops so that I can use fewer lines to perform repetitive steps
I think if I had about ten more interactive meeting like we had the other day, I might be able to actually walk through some scripting on my own
I still have a long ways to go before I can write scripts without a struggle
Even with help and the script doesn’t work, does not necessarily mean that the script is bad, it could be an error with the computer system

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