Friday, February 24, 2012

W6 Typography

Well, this was an interesting assignment.  I guess I'm not artistic enough to appreciate the extras that can be performed in Illustrator.  Too many years making basic informational maps with ArcMap for folks who just needed the data in a spatially referenced format they could understand; A map.  Now to see how everyone else did and see where I need to improve on my skills.  Good luck everyone.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

W6 Projections II

PART III: Process Summary Details

1)      Made new folder for the Assignment and subfolders for data being used
2)      Copied data; aerials, County Boundary, Major Roads, and Quad Index  from Prac 1 folder to Assignment folder
3)      Downloaded EscambiaSTMC.xls to Assignment folder
4)      Edited data to convert DMS to DDs using formulas provided, saved as EscambiaSTMC_BED.xls
5)      Determined from coordinates that previous aerials would work for this assignment
6)      Opened ArcMap
7)      Added 5359 aerials first, since this is going to be the projection for the project
8)      Addded x/y data EscambiaSTMC_BED.xls to project as Lat_17$Events layer, had change Coordinate system to WGS84 before adding
9)      After adding data, I then Exported the data as STCM.shp to the Assignment folder
10)  STCM.shp was added to ArcMap, and Lat_17$Events layer was removed
11)  Saved map as Projection_II_BED.mxd to S: drive
12)  STCM.shp had to be reprojected to NAD_1983_StatePlane_North_FIPS_0903_Feet using the ArcToolBox Project tool and saved as STCM_StatePlane_NAD83.shp
13)  STCM_StatePlane_NAD83.shp was automatically added to map and I removed STCM.shp
14)  Added qd24.shp to map to determine which other aerial I wanted to add to my project and changed fill to hollow
15)  Qd24.shp had to be reprojected to NAD_1983_StatePlane_North_FIPS_0903_Feet using the ArcToolBox Project tool and saved as qd24_StatePlane.shp
16)  Qd24_StatePlane.shp was automatically added to map and I removed qd24.shp
17)  Removed qd24.shp from map.
18)  I decided to add the West Pensacola quad aerials to my project
19)  Downloaded the appropriate aerials; q5259 from and added to map
20)  Added cntbnd_jun11.shp to map
21)  Cntbnd_jun11.shp had to be reprojected to NAD_1983_StatePlane_North_FIPS_0903_Feet using the ArcToolBox Project tool and saved as cntbnd_jun11_StatePlane.shp
22)  Added majrds_feb11.shp to map
23)  Majrds_feb11.shp had to be reprojected to NAD_1983_StatePlane_North_FIPS_0903_Feet using the ArcToolBox Project tool and saved as majrds_feb11_StatePlane.shp
24)  Switched to Map View to finalize items needed for map
25)  Subset Interstates from the majrds_feb11_StatePlane.shp to a new Interstates layer to help orient area of interest
26)  Changed symbol for STMC sites layer
27)  Inserted New Data Frame and added cntbnd_jun11_StatePlane.shp to add insert to show reference to area of interest
28)  Inserted New Data Frame and added a subset layer containing a subset of cntbnd_jun11_StatePlane.shp Escambia and Santarosa counties to add insert to show reference to area of interest in relation to state of Florida
29)  Also added qd24.shp for an overlay on the counties to define area better
30)  Renamed layers for easier understanding
31)  Added North Arrow, Legend, Neatline, Produce by, Scale bar, etc and labeled items
32)  Saved map for last time
33)  Exported map as Projection_II_BED.jpg S: drive

Friday, February 17, 2012

W5 Map Composition

This was definitely harder than just using ArcMap to make the map.  Still trying to decide if I like using Illustrator.  Hopefully no one will ask me to design a map that is fancier than what I can make in ArcMap.  I'll leave the extra artistic things to other folks.  I prefer collecting the data that goes into the databases.  The outdoors over the office cubicle any day.  Even the 120 degree ones I had in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Thursday, February 16, 2012


 This is a great article showing how maps can help anyone at a time of need.  Don't just ignore those flood maps that are produced, it just might help you or a friend sometime.  The other ideas of items to be located on the map will help the average person also.

I did this as an Emergency Response and as a partial Environmental Hazard.  I didn’t add Waste Treatment and Hazardous Waste, but you get the idea.  These are very major factors when considering floods.  OK, so I added a few extra.  As you see, I had a lot more in mind.  This is from working as an Environmental GIS program Manager for operations overseas.
Scale and Extent

large scale; 1:10,000 - 1:25,000, vector, points/polyline
To see which bridges made it through the flood
vector, polyline
To verify which roads are still passable
Police stations
large scale; 1:10,000 - 1:25,000, vector, points
Need to know location and manpower for evacuation and looter control
vector, polyline
locations of rivers/streams will help determine areas of possible flooding for pre-planning
vector, points
determine locations available to accept patients and to determine if need to be evacuated
Hazardous Material Areas
large scale; 1:10,000 - 1:25,000, vector, points/polyline
Need to know HazMat areas to evacuate fokls first or to warn residents of potential health hazard
Emergency Evac centers
large scale; 1:10,000 - 1:25,000, vector, points/polyline

State Emergency Service Equipment depots
vector points
Used to get needed equipment correct location
Damage Assessment
depends on tools used for data collection
large scale; 1:10,000 - 1:25,000, vector, points/polyline/polygon
This might be a team on the ground performing damage assessment for an up-to-date picture for concurrent planning

These are the items I thought would be important to be able to perform a query on.  For clean-up and response purposes, you need to know what equipment is available and where it is located to see if it can help
State Emergency Service Equipment depot
2783 Peel St
Graceville East
1983 Baronsfield St

I didn’t go into the full extent of equipment that each depot might stock, but you see that know what is available and where it is available would help in the planning of rescue operations.