PART III: Process Summary Details
1) Copy data from R drive to S drive and
unzipped it
Open ArcMap and add the roads.shp
3) Open ArcToolbox, select buffer, located under Proximity in the Analysis Tools section
4) Under Input Features, select Roads,
Output Feature Class, navigate to
data folder and save as Roads_Buffer.shp,
Linear unit will be 300 Meters, and change Dissolve Type to All, select OK
5) Save map as Vector_II_BED.mxd
6) Turn off Roads and roads_buffer
7) Add water.shp to map
8) Open attribute table, under Table Options, click on Add field, name it “buffdist” and Short Integer as type, click OK
9) Highlight all Lake under type by left-click and drag mouse on left side of table,
right-click on the buffdist column
and select Field Calculator
10) In buffdist= box, enter 150, hit OK
11) Highlight River under type by left-click on left side of table, right-click
on the buffdist column and select Field Calculator
12) In buffdist= box, enter 500, hit OK
13) Clear selection
14) Open ArcToolbox, select buffer, located under Proximity in the Analysis Tools section
15) Under Input Features, select Water,
Output Feature Class, navigate to
data folder and save as Water_Buffer.shp,
Field will be buffdist, and change Dissolve
Type to List, in Dissolve
Field(s) box, check buffdist, select OK
16) Turn on all layers in map
17) Open Python Window
18) Type ‘import arcpy’, hit the enter key
19) Type ‘arcpy.’, include period, start typing ‘Buffer’, a dropdown will appear, select Buffer_analysis by double-clicking
20) Type an open parenthesis, ie Buffer_analysis( a dropdown menu will
appear with available selections, select Roads
21) Place a comma after Roads, then double quotes around the
full path of the output file, another comma
22) Next will be the buffer distance ie “100 Meters”, it must be a number and
then the units in plural with a capital letter, another comma
23) The last three fields will appear in
a dropdown menu in succession “Full”, “ROUND”,”ALL”, ending with a closed
24) The whole line should look like this:
"your path\BufferRoads100m","100 Meters", "FULL",
25) Hit Enter to run the script
26) The result should say <Result
'your path\BufferRoads100m.shp'>
27) The new layer will appear in your map
28) Turn off the new layer
29) Open attribute table for the Water_Buffer layer, under Table Options, click on Add field, name it “insd_wbuf” and Short Integer as
type, click OK
30) right-click on the insd_wbuf column and select Field Calculator, in insd_wbuf = box, enter 1, hit OK
31) Open attribute table for the Roads_Buffer layer, under Table Options, click on Add field, name it “insd_rbuf” and Short Integer as
type, click OK
32) right-click on the insd_rbuf column and select Field Calculator, in insd_rbuf = box, enter 1, hit OK
33) To run the union overlay, open ArcToolbox,
expand Analysis Tools and select Overlay toolset
34) Select Union with the following parameters; Input Features, select Water_Buffer
and Roads_Buffer, name the output Buffers_Union
35) Under the JoinAttributes select ALL,
leave Gaps Allowed checked, click OK
36) Using Select By Attributes under the Selection
menu, use Buffers_Union as the Layer,
leave Method: Create a new selection
and SELECT *FROM Buffers_Union WHERE is the following equation "insd_rbuf" = 1 AND
"insd_wbuf" = 1, hit OK
37) Export selected features by
right-clicking on Buffers_Union,
selecting Data, the Exporting Data
38) In the Export: dropdown, be sure Selected
features is selected, and make the shapefile name buffer_union_export, click OK
39) Add new layer to map
40) Add conservation_areas layer to map
41) Open ArcToolbox, expand Analysis
Tools and select Overlay toolset,
select Erase with the following
parameters; Input Features, select buffer_union_export, Erase Features, select conservation_areas, name the output possible_sites
42) Open ArcToolbox, expand Data
management Tools and select Features
toolset, select Multipart To Singlepart
with the following parameters; Input
Features, select possible_sites, name
the output possible_sites_single.shp
to convert to single part layer
43) Open the possible_sites_single attribute table and add a new field called
“Area”, type ‘double’
44) Right-click on Area, use Calculate Geometry
to compute area in square meters
45) Switched to Map View to finish map
46) Added title, legend, north arrow,
scale bar, etc to map
47) Saved map one last time as Vector_II_BED 1.mxd
48) Exported map as Vector_II_BED 1.jpg
49) Uploaded items to appropriate
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