Wednesday, March 7, 2012

W8 Spatial Analysis Vector 1

Do you all notice how life gets in the way of things you want to get finished in a timely manner?  Yea, me too.  For me, the worst part of this is typing up the summary.  I enjoy the process and working with ArcGIS, but I dislike the typing, immensely.  Thanks for reading my very short rant.

PART I: Metadata

Examine the properties of the layers in VectorI.mxd. Fill out the information for the three layers listed  below, as well as any new layers that you create during the exercise.
1)      File name: Flood_Zones
o   S:\GIS 4043 Intro\W8 Spatial Analysis I\Lab7Data.gdb]
o   Data Type: Feature Class(2006-09-27)
o   Feature Type: Simple
o   Geometry Type: Polygon
o   Reference System:
§  Projection Name: Custom
§  Projection: GCS_North_American_1983_HARN
§  Datum: GCS_North_American_1983
§  Units:  Meter

2)      File name: Major_highways
o   S:\GIS 4043 Intro\W8 Spatial Analysis I\Lab7Data.gdb
o   Data Type: Feature Class (2011-02-02)
o   Feature Type: Simple
o   Geometry Type: Polyline
o   Reference System:
§  Projection Name: Albers
§  Projection: NAD_1983_Florida_GDL_Albers
§  Datum: GCS_North_American_1983
§  Units:  Meter

3)      File name: Superact_wells_esc
o   S:\GIS 4043 Intro\W8 Spatial Analysis I\Lab7Data.gdb
o   Data Type: Feature class (2011-02-02)
o   Feature Type: Simple
o   Geometry Type: Point
o   Reference System:
§  Projection Name: Albers
§  Projection: Albers Conical Equal Area [FGDL]
§  Datum: GCS_North_American_1983_HARN
§  Units:  Meter

4)      File name: Superact_basin
o   S:\GIS 4043 Intro\W8 Spatial Analysis I\Lab7Data.gdb
o   Data Type: Feature Class (2012-03-07)
o   Feature Type: Simple
o   Geometry Type: Point
o   Reference System:
§  Projection Name: Albers
§  Projection: Albers Conical Equal Area [FGDL]
§  Datum: D_North_American_1983_HARN
§  Units:  Meter

5)      File name: Superact_well_risk
o   S:\GIS 4043 Intro\W8 Spatial Analysis I\Lab7Data.gdb
o   Data Type: Feature Class(2012-03-07)
o   Feature Type: Simple
o   Geometry Type: Point
o   Reference System:
§  Projection Name: Albers
§  Projection: Albers Conical Equal Area [FGDL]
§  Datum: D_North_American_1983_HARN
§  Units:  Meter

PART III: Process Summary Details

1)      Double-clicked on VectorI.mxd to open in ArcMap
2)      Under Selection in Menu, chose Select by Location
3)      To select Parcels within 2000 feet of Schools, under Selection method, choose select features from, under Target layer(s), check Pensacola Parcels, under Source layer, select Pensacola_Schools, under Spatial selection method, select Target layer(s) features are within a distance of the Source layer feature, check Apply a search distance, type in 2000 in the first box and select Feet as the units, finally select OK
4)      Using that selected group of parcels, to select Parcels within one mile of a Hospital, under Selection method, choose select from the currently selected features, change Source layer, select Escambia_hospitals, and change search distance to 1 Miles, finally select Apply
5)      To find selected parcels that are within 1 Kilometer of a railroad, change Selection method to remove from the currently selected features in, leave Pensacola Parcels checked under Target layer(s), under Source layer, select Rails, and change search distance to 1 Kilometer, hit Apply
6)      For parcels from remaining group that are within 3000 feet of a cellular tower, change Selection method to select from the currently selected features, leave Pensacola Parcels checked under Target layer(s), under Source layer, select Escambia_cellular, and change search distance to 3000 feet, hit Ok
7)      To save the selected features, right-click on Pensacola Parcels layer in the ToC, go to Selection and choose Create Layer from Selected Features
8)      Rename the new layer created from Pensacola Parcels selection to Parcels Nearby
9)      Saved map as VectorI_BED.mxd
10)  To find the selected feature that are within the polygon Enterprise Zones, change Selection method to select from the currently selected features in, leave Pensacola Parcels checked under Target layer(s), under Source layer, select Enterprise_zones, and change Spatial selection method to Target layer(s) features are within Source layer feature and uncheck Apply a search distance box
11)  To select a Superact_risk within our selected parcels, under Selection method, choose select features from, under Target layer(s), check Superact_risk_features and uncheck Pensacola Parcels, under Source layer, select Pensacola Parcels, under Spatial selection method, select Target layer(s) features are within the Source layer feature, check Apply a search distance, type in 2000 in the first box and select Feet as the units, finally select Apply
12)  Displayed the Flood Zones layer
13)  Cleared all previous selected items
14)  To find the parcels that intersect the Flood_Zones, under Selection method use select features from, check Pensacola Parcels under Target layer(s), under Source layer, select Flood_Zones, and change Spatial selection method to Target layer(s) intersect Source layer features and hit OK
15)  From the selected parcels, to find the residential parcels, use Select By Attributes under Selection, the Layer will be Pensacola Parcels, Method will be Select from current selection, the query will be “USE_GEN” =’ Residential’ hit OK
16)  To determine the value of the 666 selected parcels, right-click MARKET_VAL, left-click Statistics and view the Sum
17)  Displayed Water group layer and expanded layer to ensure all three layers under were checked to display also
18)  Right-click Superact_risk_feature, then left-click Joins and Relates, and select Join
19)  Under “What do you want to join to this layer?” select Join data from another layer based on spatial location, and choose Drainage Basins as the join layer, and select the “it falls in” radio button
20)  Save output file as Superact_basin to the following location S:\GIS 4043 Intro\W8 Spatial Analysis I\Lab7Data.gdb
21)  Right-click on file added to map and select Open Attribute Table, scroll to Basin column, right-click on it and select Summarize, leave defaults, Save output table as Superact_basins to the following location S:\GIS 4043 Intro\W8 Spatial Analysis I\Lab7Data and select OK and Yes to add to map
22)  Right-click on table and select Open, right-click on Count_Basin column and select Sort Descending
23)  Right-click Superact_wells_esc, then left-click Joins and Relates, and select Join
24)  Under “What do you want to join to this layer?” select Join data from another layer based on spatial location, and choose Super_act_features as the join layer, and select the “Each point will be given all the attributes………” radio button
25)  Save output file as Superact_well_risk to the following location S:\GIS 4043 Intro\W8 Spatial Analysis I\Lab7Data.gdb
26)   Open attribute table for the new layer, sort NAME column and scroll to “PEOPLES WATER SERVICE COMPANY”, then scroll to the right to determine the risk feature closest to the “PEOPLES WATER SERVICE COMPANY” and the distance
27)  Upload appropriate items to the blog and the dropbox


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