Friday, March 30, 2012
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
W10 Data Editing
PART III: Process Summary
1) Copy data from the R drive to S drive
and unzip data
2) Open ArcMap add layers GulfCounty_Roads and GulfCounty_Parcels
3) Open Editor toolbar and select Start
4) Open Select by Attributes tool and build query where Layer: is GulfCounty_Parcels,
Method: Create a new selection, "PARCELNO"
= '03334-000R' OR "PARCELNO" = '03341-000R', hit OK
5) Select Merge under Editor
toolbar, select either parcel in this case, and hit OK
6) Open GulfCounty_Parcels attribute
table to update owners’ fields
7) Double-click in the following fields
and update/verify accordingly
OWN_NAME= Gulf County
OWN_ADDR1= 1000 5th St
OWN_City= Port St Joe
OWN_State= FL
8) Under Editor menu, click Stop Editing and select Yes when asked to save edits
9) Under Select by Attributes tool and build query where Layer: is GulfCounty_Parcels, Method:
Create a new selection, "OWN_NAME" = 'Gulf County',
hit OK
10) Right-click GulfCounty_Parcles, click Data,
then Export Data and rename file CountyOwned.shp and keep other defaults,
hit OK and add data to map
11) Open attribute table for CountyOwned layer, left click Table Options, then Add Field called Acres with a field type Double
12) Right-click Acres column, select Calculate
Geometry, select Acres US (ac)
and click OK
13) Right-click Acres column, select Field
Calculator and type Round([Acres],2)
in the expression box, hit OK
14) Under Select by Attributes tool and build query where Layer: is CountyOwned, Method:
Create a new selection, "Acres" >= 20, hit OK
15) Add the table VICD.dbf to the map
16) Right-click CountyOwned layer, select Join,
select Join attributes from a table, use PARCEL_ID, using the VICD
table, and choose PARCEL_ID, as the table field, and Keep all records, hit OK
17) Under Select by Attributes tool and build query where Layer: is CountyOwned, Method:
Create a new selection, "VICD.VI_CD1" = 'V', hit OK
18) Right-click CountyOwned, click Data,
then Export Data and rename file SuitableParcels.shp and keep other
defaults, hit OK and add data to map
19) Select Start Editing under the Editor
20) Under Select by Attributes tool and build query where Layer: is GulfCounty_Road, Method:
Create a new selection, "FID" = 4168, hit OK
21) Zoom to selected feature
22) Double-click on highlighted feature
to bring up Edit Vertices function
23) Mouse over one of the vertices until
the cursor turns to four small arrows, then left-click and hold the mouse button
and drag the vertex to the center of the road
24) Since the lines snaps to one edge or
the other, turn off the snapping feature for Vertex and Edge
25) Finish moving vertices to the proper
location and click the Finish Sketch
button on the Edit Vertices toolbar
26) Click Save Edits under the Editor toolbar
27) Double-click Create Features on the Editor
toolbar located at the end
28) Double-click GulfCounty_Roads in the Create Features window
29) In the Template Properties window,
keep defaults and click OK
30) Begin drawing by clicking on the map
at one end of the line you want to add
31) Each click will add a vertex,
double-click on the end to finish the line
32) To edit the attributes, click on the Attributes button
33) Populate the attributes with the
following data
MAJOR1 – 170
MINOR1 – 210
MAJOR2 – -99999
MINOR2 – -99999
34) Click Stop Editing and select Yes
to save edits
35) Label PARCEL_IDs in the SuitableParcels
36) Save map as Data_Editing_BED.mxd
37) Switch to Map View
38) Finalized additional map items
required, ie North Arrow, Legend, Produced by, Title, etc
39) Saved map last time
40) Exported map as Data_Editing_BED.jpg
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